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Brent Knight, CSP; President of ISS, Inc.

I am often told by people that job security is a critical aspect of their employment and often the reason that they switch jobs. I would like to explore this.

First, what is job security? In my opinion, job security is something that makes us feel more secure. It is a way to rationalize the fact that we will receive a steady paycheck.

I would propose that job security is a farse and that things can change at any time. Whether a person works on a contract basis or enjoys a full-time, permanent position, job security depends on a company having enough work to keep their employees busy. Another observation is that larger organizations tend to manage by numbers and less by people and the value that they may bring to the organization. This means that when times are lean, they will let people go who they normally would not.

If this is true, then what matters? I would say that we create our own job security in a sense by being high performers. Rarely are high performers let go when things get tight. Also, I think that people should work for a company that shares their common values, treats them with respect, takes care of them, and truly cares about them as people. I would also comment that I feel that people should pick an employer, not just a job.

As a “third-party” safety company, we often feel that people look at us as a name on their paycheck, and when the end of their project is nearing, they get restless and look for something new. Why not stick it out, take some time off, collect unemployment, enjoy family and hobbies, and then go to the next assignment? I understand the concern for income, but at the same time, those who work on the road and bank lots of overtime pay should be able to afford to take some time off and live off their unemployment benefits.

In reality, we are all looking for the same things: employers want employees who want to stay, and employees want employers who treat them well. Find a way to make it work and talk to your employer about options. Like a great spouse, a great employer can be hard to find, so when you find one, stay!